I had the good fortune to be commissioned to create a piece of art for an old friend recently. The process was long (by my standards), marked by patience and good attitudes from both my customer and myself. I could not be more grateful to be part of the process, and am pleased to report that she and her husband are happy with the result.
Here are a few studies I did on the way to finalizing basic forms and colors:
They settled on a wave, and had some specific colors in mind, which they provided in the form of photographs of other elements that will be in close proximity to the painting.
Here is the painting in progress:
This triptych of a wave, set against a dramatic sky was a pleasure to create. The sky and clouds were painted traditionally, and the wave portion was poured-and-swiped. I used Golden Professional Heavy Body Acrylic paint. Each panel is 36′ x 48″. The entire piece is 4 feet tall, and just over 9 feet wide.

It resides in a genuine place of honor, in a lovely north-Georgia home, owned by 2 wonderful people. I am flattered to report that not only was it the first piece of art placed in the home, it was in place before the refrigerator!

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