I just can’t seem to get into the swing of taking progress photos when I paint. I suppose that can be a good thing, right?
I start with the best of intentions. I take the early stage photos. These consist of canvases that are blank, posed on the easel, well lit, and ready. Most of the time, I remember to take a photo after the first coat of paint is applied, a blue wash perhaps, or a gradient that will eventually become the niget sky. If I get 1 more photo taken, I am lucky. Otherwise, I am lost in the process: mixing, painting, cleaning brushes as needed. More often than I care to admit, I am looking for the brush I want to use, or the tube of paint I most recently purchased.
Such is the case with this painting. I wanted to document its creation, but it just didn’t happen. Oh well. I’d rather have the painting than the video of the painting. Here’s hoping that someone else feels the same way. Till next time, please enjoy this…

…15 x 30 acrylic on canvas painting of a farmhouse at the edge of day. Part of me thinks this is a sunset, with the evening’s cool respite about to begin. Of course it could be morning, and the start of a long, warm day. Like the recent Radiant Memories painting, this one does not have a name. That privilege is reserved for its future owner.
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